========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 20 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 834 Today's Topics: Absoft Fortran AES Command - APPL_FIND? Amiga Software by Atari!!! Blitz copy cable and utility help for monitor sm124 INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #832 Making the SH205 silent ROMmable C: compilers suggestion USENET -> GEnie uplink now working ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 19 Dec 89 22:27:00 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefh!p34@uunet.uu.net (Paul van Deurzen) Subject: Absoft Fortran Message-ID: <673@nikhefh.nikhef.nl> > The original posting told us about the 'abnormal' behaviour regarding the > use of common blocks in Absoft's implementation of Fortran. By far the simplest way to cure the 'abnormal', ie. non-IBM, Cray, VAX etc. behaviour of Absoft's Fortran is to set the 'H' option. This not only enables weird F66 features like 'extended range DO loops' but also let the compiler treat all variable storage as STATIC. In other words: you no longer have to define all your commons in main. In addition it saves local variables and thus constructs like: data init/0/ if (init .eq. 0) then ...initialise.... init = 1 else ...do something... endif will behave as expected, ie. only initialise once. (I didn't say I like this way of initialising...). ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 89 04:00:57 GMT From: cca.ucsf.edu!wet!nut@cgl.ucsf.edu (adam tilghman) Subject: AES Command - APPL_FIND? Message-ID: <873@wet.UUCP> Does anyone out there in netland know of the proper parameters to pass for the AES function APPL_FIND? I am a starving student/shareware programmer, and not having the funds to pay for a full developership, have had to rely on ST Internals (an Abacus book). Just the parameters are needed, as I have Tom Hudson's excellent tutorial from STart... Many thanks! -- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "" Adam G. Tilghman - Trendy Quote: "Beware of Greeks bearing Trojans!" "" """ UUCP: nut@wet.UUCP BBS: Eleusesthai, (415)871-9451 12/2400, 24Hrs """ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 89 04:00:11 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc10!cs161fca@ucsd.edu ( ) Subject: Amiga Software by Atari!!! Message-ID: <5791@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> Well, back in 1984 Atari had a company called Atarisoft which sold software for commodore 64 and other computers...Perhaps things have got so bad for Atari (i.e., ST in the market defeated by the Amiga) that Atari wants to try the old trick again. However, last time the trick did not work... (Atarisoft was a failure.) ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 89 15:34:42 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!xanth!xanth.cs.odu.ed u!scott@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Scott Yelich) Subject: Blitz copy cable and utility Message-ID: In article <15093@well.UUCP> dsmall@well.UUCP (David Small) writes: > The basenote asks where to get the Blitz cable docs (which are PD, I think.) > They are available on both the GEnie and CIS networks, and probably > interminable BBS's. They're a bit long to uuencode and post here, though. ftp xanth.cs.odu.edu > So, if you know someone on GEnie or CIS ... or if you have ftp access... REMEMBER: ZIP files are self extracting archives.... :) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott D. Yelich scott@cs.odu.edu [] After he pushed me off the cliff, he asked me, as I fell, ``Why'd you jump?'' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 09:13:53 MEZ From: GEFFERTH%DHVMHH1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: help for monitor sm124 OPTIONS: NOACK LOG SHORT NOTEBOOK ALL Date: 18 December 89, 15:19:48 MEZ From: GEFFERTH at DHVMHH1 TO: INFO-ATARI16$SCORE.STANFORD.EDU |||| URGENT |||| I NEED A MONITOR SM 124 FOR MY NEPHEW WHO IS AN EXCHANGE STUDENT IN WISCONSIN, U.S.A. WHO CAN HELP HIM TO FIND A COMPETENT DEALER CLOSE TO HIM? PLEASE CONTACT: TOBIAS WORZYK C/O ERNIE KOOISTRA N 1988/COUNTY C SHARON WISCONSIN 53585 THANK YOU VERY MUCH MICHAEL WORZYK ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 19:14:25 EST From: ROCHMAN DANIEL Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #832 Message-ID: <89Dec19.191425est.20781@ecf.toronto.edu> Ah, my first net posting... I'm tingling all over. Anyhow: Dave Small just recently posted to the net a glowing review of the SyQuest 44 Mbyte removable-cartridge drives. Some other people have also shown interest in these, but one topic has failed to come up. According to a recent STReport (forget which issue, 116 I think), SyQuest is coming out with a 175 Mbyte version of the current 44 Meg model, at about the same price, accompanied by a drop in the price of the 44's... Since I'm a not-yet-but-realsoon Hard Drive owner, and was very close to buying a SyQuest 44, I'd like more information on this. Most importantly, will the folks who brought us the SQ555 (44 meg) in a plug- and-play format (ie: Toad, ABCO, Atari, etc..) be bringing us the 175 Mbyte model anytime soon, and for how much? Not bad for a first post... Flameproofed and all. --Daniel Rochman, rochman@ecf.toronto.edu "You expect a .sig file and a disclaimer from a greenhorn? C'mon!!" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 13:58+0100 From: Ritzert%DMZRZU71.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Making the SH205 silent Message-ID: <891219125847.519899@DMZRZU71-UNI-MAINZ--GERMANY> I just succeeded getting our (previously extraordinary loud) sh205 silent. I applied the following modifications to the thing: - break out the grille (? hope I got the correct word from my dictionary) that covers the fan. This inhibits the noise produced by the air flowing through the grille. - mount the fan as deep as possible (a few mm) in the box. Slightly increases the effect of the above mod. - fill the parts outside the shielding (to the right of the drive) with Pritex or something similar do damp resonances in the box. The amount of noise reduction of these steps is compareable to pressing the quiet button of a NEC P6. - I replaced the fan by a silent one. Now our Mega ST is louder than the drive. I think I will have to get a silent fan for the Mega, too. I think, the above modifications which I made a few months earlier are still necessary since they attack completly independent sources of the noise of the drive. mjr@dmzrzu71.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 89 01:53:45 GMT From: esquire!wynkoop@nyu.edu (Brett Wynkoop) Subject: ROMmable C: compilers Message-ID: <1687@esquire.UUCP> In article <72175@psuecl.bitnet> kap@psuecl.bitnet writes: > > >I need a compiler for 68000 software development. Thu, the question arises: >Does anybody know of any C: compilers that produce ROMmable code? > >Thanks in advance, > >-Keith > >kap@psuecl.bitnet psuvax1!psuecl.bitnet!kap Greeting- Contact Microware in Demoines Iowa. They have a compiler that will do the trick. Runs under OS-9 which is a multi tasking multi user reatime romabel operating system that will run on any 68k machine. I am surprised more people with ST machines don't run it. I would be realy frustrated by not having OS-9. Also check out the os9 forum on CIS as well as comp.os.os9. MICROWARE (os9 Des Moines Ia.) (515) 224-1929 I have no conection with Microware I just use thier products on a 6809 based system with multiple windows and frequently two users at once. -Brett uucp.................cmcl2!esquire!wynkoop domain...............wynkoop@esquire.dpw.com CI$..................72057,3720 Land Line............212-266-0741 Air Wave.............WA3YRE/2 (7.075 Mhz, 7.255 Mhz, 14.313 Mhz, 14.230 Mhz) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Dec 89 15:03:15 GMT From: Chris Ridd Subject: suggestion Message-ID: <8912171503.aa10478@flopsy.Cs.Bham.AC.UK> In digest #801, Howard Chu wrote: >... How about a team of ST programmers getting >together to analyze TOS 1.4, and publish their specs? Funnily enough, I was thinking along similar lines a few days ago! Since it seems that we have a lot of TOS and GEM gurus reading the net, why doesn't everybody write in and contribute information (uses, bugs etc etc) on all the functions on the ROMs (not just 1.4 necessarily)? I don't think we need to produce full specs for the ROMs, which would probably take too long anyway, but specs for the standard library functions would be really good. (I mean GEMDOS, BIOS, XBIOS, LineA, VDI, AES). /* * Snail mail address: * Chris Ridd, "Wave after wave, each mightier than the last * School of Computer Science, 'Til last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep * Birmingham University, And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged * UK Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame" * */ ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 89 22:24:53 GMT From: crash!canada@nosc.mil (Diane Barlow Close) Subject: USENET -> GEnie uplink now working Message-ID: <935@crash.cts.com> In article <15097@well.UUCP> dsmall@well.UUCP (David Small) writes (now much edited): -> -> It's time to announce that there is now a working uplink ->from USENET to GEnie. Each note posted into comp.sys.atari.st is sorted ->by topic, and uploaded to "Category 10" of the Gadgets RT on GEnie. -> -> The link is one way. GEnie makes its living selling information ->bases to the public, and doesn't want them downloaded and distributed freely. -> -> I wanted to let you know to prevent invading anyone's privacy. -> -> Finally, yes, Gadgets does make a percentage of connect time people ->spend in it on GEnie. However, before anyone starts talking about how we're ->.... I personally am making nothing on this. -> -> If anyone feels this is wrong, I'll be more than happy to listen and ->if convinced, drop the link. Hmmm, I don't think this is very fair to the Usenet community, and I, for one, object to Usenet being used in such a commercial way. I have no objection to two-way *mail* links, but I seriously object to all my postings appearing on GEnie or other commercial networks. I think, perhaps, the Usenet ``etiquette'' gods may have something to say about all this as well. What I object to the most is the fact that the link is one way (and will stay that way due to GEnie's commercial nature). I don't like Usenet being ``raped'' to supply GEnie's commercial pockets. If GEnie is that ``tapped out'' for knowledge that they are desperate enough to plunder Usenet, then perhaps GEnie should be disbanded. -- Diane Barlow Close ?nosc, ucsd?!crash!canada canada@crash.cts.com Free Canada -- Trade Mulroney ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #834 *****************************************